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Why the Universe Is the Way It Is

The second of a two-part series, Dr. Hugh Ross explains why the universe is the way it is and how its structure appears optimized to support human life. If the universe is all that there is, then what does the future hold? Is this future optimistic or pessimistic?

This resource is part of a series on An Astronomer's Quest. Click here to listen to the full series

Hugh Ross

Hugh Ross earned an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto; and he was a postdoctoral research fellow for five years at Caltech, studying quasars and galaxies. He is a Canadian Astrophysicist, Christian apologist, and old Earth creationist. Ross obtained his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of Toronto and his B.S. degree in physics from the University of British Columbia. He established his own ministry in 1986, called Reasons to Believe that promotes progressive and day-age forms of old Earth creationism. He has written and collaborated on several articles and books which include Designed to the Core, Weathering Climate Change, Improbable Planet, Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job and Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense.


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