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What Does The Bible Say About Humility?

"...And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

Perhaps you have heard the story of the parishioner who received recognition for being the humblest man in the church? They gave him a pin to wear. The following Sunday he wore it and they took it away from him for being proud. One wonders sometimes if humility is like this. As soon as we think we are humble, we are not.

Biblically speaking, personal humility carries the notion of lowering or abasing oneself in such a manner as to attain a place of lowliness. Perhaps the best way to understand humility is attempting to see ourselves through God's eyes rather than our own. . .

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Alfred Ells

Alfred Ells, Author, is an ordained minister and the founder-director of Leaders That Last. As a master coach and leadership consultant, he has helped many pastors, executives, and denominational leaders find and fulfill their calling in Christ. Al also founded or helped establish many Christ-centered treatment programs for individuals, families, and youth, including Samaritan Counseling Services. He earned his Masters of Counseling degree at Arizona State University. Al is also the author of several books, including One Way Relationships, Released to Love and Family Love.


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