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What Christians Believe - Part 3B (VIDEO)

Forgiveness is a very unpopular Christian value because it is not something we really want to do in response to those who have hurt us. When have you faced a challenge to forgive, what did you do about it? What is it like to be among a group of people who are not inclined to forgive?

This resource is part of a series on Mere ChristianityClick here to listen to the full series and to download the Study Guide.

Christopher Mitchell

Christopher Mitchell, Theologian, (1951 – 2014) was the third director of the Marion E. Wade Center from 1994 to 2013, and the first holder of the Marion E. Wade Chair of Christian Thought at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. Mitchell was also the Consulting Editor for VII: An Anglo-American Literary Review (now VII: Journal of the Marion E. Wade Center). Prior to coming to Wheaton College he served as a missionary and pastor. He has published several articles including “C.S. Lewis and Authentic Discipleship,” Knowing and Doing (C.S. Lewis Institute, Spring 2011 Issue.) Mitchell received his M.A. from Wheaton College, and a Ph.D. from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where his concentration was Historical Theology with a focus on Jonathan Edwards.


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