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The Lord's Prayer Revisited

  • How can we say our unless we make room for others in our fellowship?
  •  How can we say Father unless we have been born from above through Christ Jesus?
  • How can we say who art in Heaven unless we grasp the awesome majesty and vast love of God?
  • How can we say hallowed be Thy name unless we who are called by His name dedicate ourselves to holy living?
  • How can we say Thy Kingdom come unless we always commit ourselves to obey the King of kings in extending His loving rule to all who will receive it?
  • How can we say Thy will be done unless we release the demand to have it our way?
  • How can we say on earth as it is in Heaven unless we proclaim and demonstrate the gospel of Christ to the privileged and underprivileged somewhere, everywhere?
  • How can we say give us this day our daily bread unless we give food and job training and hope to the hungry and homeless?
  • How can we say forgive us our trespassess as we forgive those who trespass against us unless we make every effort to resolve conflicts quickly by talking to the ones who hurt us instead of talking about them?

Click here to read the full article (READ PDF).


Chuck Mylander

Chuck Mylander, Professor, was an executive director of Evangelical Friends Mission. Before assuming this post, he served as superintendent of Evangelical Friends Church Southwest. Chuck earned a B.A. from George Fox University and a D. Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary. He has also served as adjunct professor for Azusa Pacific University in the Haggard School of Theology; as a trustee for George Fox University; and has taught as a guest lecturer in Bible schools in Guatemala, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Burundi. Chuck is the author of More Energy for Your Day, Running the Red Lights, Secrets for Growing Churches and coauthor of several books, which include (with Neil Anderson) Blessed Are the Peacemakers, Experiencing Christ Together, and Extreme Church Makeover.


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