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The Holy Spirit and Obedience - Part Two

The tension between desiring to be obedient to God and realizing that we are disobedient more often than we should be, cuts to the heart of Christians. In this already-but-not-yet world in which we live, we are led by the Holy Spirit to seek after His will, and do those things which are pleasing to Him. In this lecture, Stuart McAlpine shares about the nature of obedience and the Holy Spirit's work in our lives.

For part one of this series, please click here.

Stuart McAlpine

Stuart McAlpine is a teaching fellow at the C.S. Lewis Institute and the founding pastor of Christ our Shepherd Church located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. He speaks at churches and conferences around the world and lectures for the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program. His most recent book is: Here’s Hoping: Recovering Hope for Heaven and Earth. Stuart has a great knowledge of and love for the works of C.S. Lewis. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s degree in Theology from Cambridge University in Great Britain.  

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