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The Community of Believers

Independence and individualism are strongly ingrained in American culture, but the Bible emphasizes interdependence and community. Neither the church, the life of Christian discipleship, nor mission can flourish apart from an authentic community of believers. There are many obstacles to community in our day, but they must be overcome if we are to be and do all that God asks of us, and they can be overcome once we recognize the importance of community and commit ourselves to it. This lecture was delivered to the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows of Chicago on Apr. 3, 2021.

Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry, Pastor, apologist, speaker and writer based in Maidenhead, UK. He is the author of a number of books including Is God Anti-Gay?, Why Bother with Church?, 7 Myths about Singleness, and What God Has To Say About Our Bodies. His articles have been published by The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and Living Out.


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