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Staying Faithful Through The Years

The Christian life is not a sprint—it’s a marathon, as the familiar saying goes. It’s not enough just to begin well. To be faithful in the Christian life requires finishing well—usually after a long, sometimes grueling race of some twenty, forty, or even sixty years.

Many Christians do finish well. But, sad to say, many do not. Some bail out after only a few years, simply giving up on the Christian life. Others continue to go through the motions—all the while bogging down in a swamp of spiritual stagnation. What does it take to run the race for the long haul?. . .

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Jerry Bridges

Jerry Bridges, (1929 – 2016) was an evangelical Christian author, speaker and staff member of The Navigators. He earned his undergraduate degree in engineering at the University of Oklahoma before serving as an officer in the United States Navy during the Korean War. He joined Christian discipleship organization The Navigators in 1955 where he eventually served as Vice President for Corporate Affairs. He was the author of more than a dozen books, including The Pursuit of Holiness, an award-winning works, Holiness Day by Day and The Discipline of Grace. He also enjoyed a robust international speaking ministry. He is remembered by the Navigators as “beloved evangelical statesman” and “a kind, gentle soul who desired nothing more than to walk humbly with his God.”


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