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Spiritual (Re)Formation

Spiritual (re) formation involves:

• Gifts from the Desert Fathers: diagnoses for healing by the Physician of souls
• Transformation Texts: Col. 3 + Eph. 4 + Gal. 5 = Rom. 12

Steps to New Life

• A Case Study in Cultivating Christlikeness
• Rhythms of Discipleship: Dying & Rising
• Graced Disciplines: Practices for Resistance & Renewal.

Discover new insights  and understand this well in this six part series.

This resource is part of a series on Glittering Vices. Click here to listen to the full series.

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Rebecca DeYoung

Rebecca DeYoung (Ph.D.) has enjoyed teaching ethics and the history of ancient and medieval philosophy at Calvin College for over 20 years. Her research focuses on the seven deadly sins, and virtue ethics, as well as Thomas Aquinas’s work on the virtues. Her books include Glittering Vices, Vainglory, and a co-authored volume entitled Aquinas’s Ethics. Recent essays about vices and virtues—appear in Virtues and Their Vices, Being Good, and Cambridge Critical Guide to Aquinas’s De Malo, and the journals Res Philosophica, ACPQ, the Thomist, and Faith and Philosophy. Awards for her work include the Book and Essay Prize from the Character Project and the C.S. Lewis prize for Glittering Vices. She speaks widely, including opportunities to teach in prison.


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