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Sharing the Good News

The word gospel, means “good news.” Again and again we read in the New Testament the importance of proclaiming the gospel, preaching the gospel, and not being ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first four books of our New Testament are called “Gospels” because they tell the good news of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. As Christ’s disciples, we have the most amazing story in the world to share with those around us. That’s really what evangelism is about–telling others the story of Christ and giving them the opportunity to receive the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. And yet, most of us find that evangelism can be a difficult thing to do. The intent of this study is to help you understand how to be God’s mouthpiece as you share the good news, by the power of the Holy Spirit, with your neighbors, family, and even your enemies. Learn more in this video featuring Gerald Long.

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Gerard Long

Gerard Long is a Christian minister, evangelist, author, motivational speaker, and former HSBC banking executive. In 2006, Gerard decided to leave behind his highly paid banking career and join Alpha USA, whose mission is to serve local churches in presenting the Gospel through the Alpha course. He was executive director of Alpha course USA before retiring in 2014 to work for Awakening to God ministries.


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