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Episode 107: Reasons for God - Dr. Kathleen Noller's Story


Kathleen grew up in a loving, immigrant household where religion wasn't a central part of her upbringing but was raised with a strong emphasis on good morals and values. In her mid-teens, Kathleen became an atheist, embracing nihilism and developing an animosity toward Christianity. Despite her elite education and achievements, she was not taught to ask deeper questions about purpose and meaning. This changed when a friend gave her a book that opened her eyes to new insights, including the concept of God as both a cosmic lawmaker and a personal deity, and her journey to Christ and understanding Christianity began.

Resources and Authors Mentioned:

  • John Lennox
  • The Reason for God by Timothy Keller
  • Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
  • William Lane Craig

Listen to more stories from skeptics and atheists who investigated Christianity.

Brought to you by the C.S. Lewis Institute and eX-skeptic.


Transcript coming soon. . .

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