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Question and Answer for Christian Courage and the Struggle for Civilization?

Dr. Os Guinness responds to questions giving insights on how the church of Jesus courageously stand for biblical truth with wisdom, love and grace living faithfully and unashamedly for Jesus in America and the world today.

This resource is part of a series on Where Is America Headed ?  Click here to listen to the full series

Os Guinness

Os Guinness, is the author and editor of more than thirty books, including Fool's Talk, Renaissance, The Global Public Square, A Free People's Suicide, Unspeakable, The Call, Time for Truth, The Case for Civility and his most recent book, Zero Hour America. A frequent speaker and prominent social critic, he has addressed audiences worldwide from the British House of Commons to the U.S. Congress to the St. Petersburg Parliament. Guinness has had a lifelong passion to make sense of our extraordinary modern world and to stand between the worlds of scholarship and ordinary life, helping each to understand the other - particularly when advanced modern life touches on the profound issues of faith. (Photo By Deryck Chan 2013)  

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