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How Jesus Used The Scriptures

What the Lord Jesus accomplished here on earth as a man He owed greatly to His use of the Scriptures. He found in them the way marked in which He had to walk, the food and the strength on which He could work, the weapon by which He could overcome the Enemy. The Scriptures were indeed indispensable to Him through all His life and passion: from beginning to end His life was the fulfillment of what had been written of Him in the volume of the Book (Hebrews 10:7).

In the temptation in the wilderness it was by His "It is written" that He conquered Satan. In His conflicts with the Pharisees He continually appealed to the Word: "What saith the Scripture?" "Have ye not read?" "Is it not written?" In His intercourse with His disciples it was always from the Scriptures that He proved the certainty and necessity of His sufferings and resurrection: "How otherwise can the Scriptures be fulfilled?" And in His intercourse with His Father in His last sufferings it is in the words of Scripture that He pours out the complaint of being forsaken, and then again commends His spirit into the Father's hands. . .

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Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray, Theologian, exercised great influence over South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church and was a chief promoter of the call to missions there. He was educated at Aberdeen University, Scotland, and at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and was given an honorary doctorate by the universities of Aberdeen and Cape of Good Hope. From 1848-1906 he pastored an extensive territory and helped to found three key missionary organizations and two colleges. An effective international evangelist, Murray wrote 250 publications and is best known today for his devotional writings, including Abide in Christ, With Christ in the School of Prayer and Waiting on God. Murray’s two most important books are The Key to the Mission Problem and The State of the Church.


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