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Lessons for Life from God and Golf

with Dr. Billly Graham

In an era of great upheaval and political and social tension, Dr. Billy Graham took a break from his crusades to  address a group of professional and amateur golfers. This message captures a key moment in history, addressing the despair and pessimism of his day and cutting to the heart of the deepest needs of humankind.

In this powerful message, listeners are invited to look to Jesus and find satisfaction and fulfilment in Him. Graham offers lessons for life from God and golf. Learn to take a stand, get a proper grip on your life, focus on Christ, and follow through in your walk with God.

This is a Legacy Audio recording drawn from a collection of free audio resources over the last 30+ years. Specifically, this resource is from the 1968 Golfer's Association Dinner. To listen to the full audio from this event  including testimonies from golfers, please click here.

Billy Graham

Billy Graham, Pastor, was an American evangelist (1918 – 2018), a prominent evangelical Christian figure, and an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became well-known internationally in the late 1940s. It has been said that Billy Graham is "among the most influential Christian leaders" of the 20th century. He held large indoor and outdoor rallies with sermons that were broadcast on radio and television; some were still being re-broadcast today. In his six decades on television, Graham hosted annual "Crusades", evangelistic campaigns that ran from 1947 until his retirement in 2005. Graham was a spiritual adviser to U.S. presidents, and he provided spiritual counsel for every president from Harry S. Truman to Barack Obama.


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