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I Was Decided Upon - An Interview with C.S. Lewis

I drove to Cambridge, England, on May 7 [1963] to interview Mr. Clive Staples Lewis, author of The Screwtape Letters and one of the world’s most brilliant and widely read Christian authors. I hoped to learn from him how young men and women could be encouraged to take up the defense of the faith through the written word.

It was quickly evident that this interview was going to be different from any that I had ever been granted. I found Mr. Lewis in a wing of the brick quadrangle at Magdalene College, Cambridge University, where he is professor of Medieval and Renaissance literature. I climbed a flight of narrow, incredibly worn wooden steps, knocked at an ancient wooden door with the simple designation, “Prof. Lewis,” and was shown in by the housekeeper. . . .

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Sherwood E. Wirt

Sherwood E. Wirt, (1911-2008) served as a chaplain in the U.S. Air Force. In 1951 he earned doctorate degrees in theology and psychology from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.  Wirt joined the Billy Graham team after writing a book about the evangelist's 1958 crusade in San Francisco, have been translated into eight languages, and include the best-selling The Book of Joy: A Treasury of Delights in God; Not Me, God; and Love Song: Augustine's Confessions for Modern Man.


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