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Humility And Faith

In an address I lately heard, the speaker said the blessings of a higher Christian life were often like the objects exposed in a shop window-one could see them clearly and yet could not reach them. If told to stretch out his hand and take , a man would answer "i cannot; there is a thick pane of plate glass  between me and them "likewise Christians can clearly see the blessed promises of perfect peace and rest, of overflowing love and joy, of abiding communion and fruitfulness, and yet feel there is something in between them, hindering the true possession. and what might that be? Nothing but pride.

Click here to read the full article (READ PDF).

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray, Theologian, exercised great influence over South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church and was a chief promoter of the call to missions there. He was educated at Aberdeen University, Scotland, and at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and was given an honorary doctorate by the universities of Aberdeen and Cape of Good Hope. From 1848-1906 he pastored an extensive territory and helped to found three key missionary organizations and two colleges. An effective international evangelist, Murray wrote 250 publications and is best known today for his devotional writings, including Abide in Christ, With Christ in the School of Prayer and Waiting on God. Murray’s two most important books are The Key to the Mission Problem and The State of the Church.


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