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How To Share Your Faith With Your Family

What's the most frightening or difficult situation you can imagine for sharing your faith? I've stood before hostile crowds on college campuses. I've spoken with apathetic coworkers. I've witnessed in the inner city and shared my faith with people I've met on all manner of public transportation. I've shared my faith with people on African plains, in Arab cities, and in Central American mountains. All required swallowing some fear or overcoming some obstacle. But of all the intimidating circumstances I've ever faced, one kind of evangelism is the most difficult and frightening: sharing my faith with my family. I'm not sure what makes sharing Jesus with my family so difficult. Perhaps it's rooted in the fact that so much is at stake. When our family members reject our faith, it wounds us deeply. More importantly, none of us wants our flesh and blood to reject Christ's offer of
eternal life...

Click here to read the full prayer (READ PDF).


J. Mack Stiles

J. Mack Stiles, is a pastor of a church in Iraq. He used to work as CEO of Gulf Digital Solutions and general secretary for the Fellowship of Christian UAE Students in the United Arab Emirates. He worked for many years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States. Stiles has authored books such as Speaking of Jesus, Marks of the Messenger and Evangelism: How The Whole Church Speaks of Jesus. His passion as a pastor is for the church to be a witnessing community that is intentional and faithful.


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