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Haughty Or Humble?

First John teaches that the proof of our love is in our actions. First Peter states that the proof of our faith is in our response to trials. In what arena is our humility proved? In our daily relationships with the people around us.

The Apostle John questions how a person can love God, whom he can't see, if he doesn't love the brother he can see. My question is, "Have I truly humbled myself before the God I can't see if I do not humble myself before the people I can see?" The invisible, heart quality of humility before God renders it, for the most part, unverifiable. But if I really want to know the condition of my heart, I need only look at my relationships. . .

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Howard Baker

Howard Baker, Professor, joined the faculty of Denver Seminary after serving as an adjunct faculty member. Together with Dr. Bruce Demarest in 1999, he began the Seminary’s certificate program in evangelical spiritual guidance. Currently, Howard is the board chair for The Abbey Colorado and on the faculty of the Soul Care Institute. He earned a BA from Texas Christian University, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from St. Thomas Seminary, and a D.Min. in Spiritual Direction from Fuller Seminary. Howard has published articles in Discipleship Journal and Kindred Spirit and books which include Soul Keeping and The One True Thing, a contributor to the Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible and to The Transformation of a Man's Heart.


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