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Growing in Humility - Part 2

"God loves a humble soul, He prefers a person who humbles themselves that a prideful one. Mary prophesied of the coming of a God who will uplift the humble and rebuke the prideful, that is why humility is an aspect that really is important in our lives," says Stuart McAlpine as he teaches more on Growing in Humility, in this session. Discover new insights  and understand this well in this three part series.

This resource is part of a series on Growing in Humility. Click here to listen to the full series.

Stuart McAlpine

Stuart McAlpine is a teaching fellow at the C.S. Lewis Institute and the founding pastor of Christ our Shepherd Church located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. He speaks at churches and conferences around the world and lectures for the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program. His most recent book is: Here’s Hoping: Recovering Hope for Heaven and Earth. Stuart has a great knowledge of and love for the works of C.S. Lewis. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s degree in Theology from Cambridge University in Great Britain.  

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