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My Heart's Awakening Through the Fellows Program

I was a little late to the fellows program this year but my only regret is not knowing about it sooner! I’ve gained so much from the course but overall it has just made me love Jesus more! I think this is because you spend a whole month on important topics and all of the material clearly points you towards Him - it has made me love Him and want Him more. I have been amazed all over again at all that Jesus has done and is doing for me, and it has been good to be reminded of God’s plans and purposes for us as well as the role of the Holy Spirit in my life! I now actively look forward to reading His Word and talking to Him, and I’ve wanted to set aside more and more time to do that. Following on from that, the course has helped me to read the Bible more confidently by myself and it has changed the way I pray; prayer has become much more like a conversation where it’s actually difficult to run out of things to say! It has been a privilege to meet so many lovely people on the course but, in particular, I am so thankful for my mentor, Karen, and my triplet- discussing all of the readings, etc with them and having them pray for me has been another massive highlight! I will always be very grateful for the C.S.Lewis Institute and will be praying for the fellows this year and any future fellows, that by doing the course we may all ‘grasp', even a little bit more, ‘how wide and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of the fullness of God’

Ken Sharp

Ken Sharp participated in the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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