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Equipped to Shine: My Transformative Journey

It has been a real blessing to have been part of the CSLI Fellows Programme. I became interested in apologetics during lockdown. I was deeply challenged one evening out with friends and was asked a pointed question about a particular aspect of my faith. I struggled to find the right words in that setting, to convey the hope that I have in Jesus, with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3v15 tells us 'Always be prepared ....' I felt I was not prepared. This was the motivator for me to send Stuart Horner an email the following morning, and shortly after I was accepted on the course. I knew I needed to equip myself more fully with tools to help point the questioner to the only one who can deliver, soften hearts, open eyes and ears. To be able to say and do things that make an eternal difference is the greatest gift of all. I feel that this course has given me the tools to do this through all the various aspects of learning, the reading material, speakers, resources are on a world-class scale, shared with us through some of the most gifted minds of our time. The CS Lewis books alone I love and it's fascinating to me how he shares his imagination, humour and storytelling and brings Christian doctrine to life in a truly unique way.
Above all, however, I've come to know more intimately the person of Jesus. I cannot have any effect without God's Spirit dwelling in me. A lifetime of reading will never enable me to grasp the depths of His love for me. The bible shows us how Jesus himself lived on this earth, how He dealt with the questioners, quite often asking a question in response rather than giving an answer. My hope and prayer moving forward is that I continue to strive to put into practice all I have been taught and learn from His example, love Him with Heart, Soul and Mind and as a result of that loving my neighbour as myself and somehow be His light of this earth. I feel more undeserving of His favour now than ever and know without doubt it is a DAILY act of picking up my cross and following Him as my sinful human nature continually pulls me away from his purpose for me.
I am beyond grateful for all those involved in the programme. My mentor Margaret has been an angel and I have loved getting to know her and appreciate her immense wisdom and knowledge. I would advise anyone wanting to go deeper in their walk to sign up without hesitation, you will not regret it.

Ken Sharp

Ken Sharp participated in the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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