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Exploring the Continent of Loneliness

The experience of loneliness is one many of us experience while going about life, and an experience even Jesus went through very painfully while on the cross. And though loneliness is a very painful thing to experience, Dr. James Houston shares about how Jesus has journeyed this continent of loneliness before we were even born, and that He is always with us, and comes to our side every time we open Scripture, even if we cannot feel, see, or perceive it.

This resource is part of a Series on Redeeming Our Tears: Experiencing Transformation Through Suffering, Sorrow, and Disappointment. Click here to listen to the full series

James M. Houston

James M. Houston is a co-founder of the C.S. Lewis Institute.  From its beginning, Jim has served as a Senior Fellow of the Institute, lecturing at CSLI events over the past four decades. He received his Bachelor of Science and M.A. degrees from the University of Edinburgh and a D. Phil. from Oxford University.  He was a University Lecturer at Oxford from 1947 – 1971 where he taught cultural and historical geography.  While teaching at Oxford, he met C.S. Lewis and participated in a regular Bible study with him for six years. He is known as one of the “founding fathers” of Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia where he has served as the first Principal, Chancellor and Professor of Spiritual Theology.  

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