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Practicing Childlike Faith In The Ordinary Circumstances Of Life

Since God, in His eternal goodness, has moved you to consecrate all your love, your actions, your works, and your whole self to Him utterly without any self-interest but only for His greater glory and His satisfaction, remain firm in this resolve. With the confidence of a son, rest in the care and love which divine Providence has for you in all your needs. Look upon Providence as a child does its mother who loves him tenderly. You can be sure that God loves you incomparably more. We can’t imagine how great is the love which God, in His goodness, has for souls who thus abandon themselves to His mercy, and who have no other wish than to do what they think pleases Him, leaving everything that concerns them to His care in time and eternity...

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Jane de Chantal

Jane de Chantal, Carmelite Nun, (1572–1641) and Catholic saint, founded the religious Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. Born in Dijon, France, as the daughter of the royalist president of the Parliament of Burgundy. Left a widow at 28, Chantal took a vow of chastity. In 1604, she heard the bishop of Geneva, Francis de Sales, preach the Lenten sermons at the Sainte Chapelle. They became close friends and de Sales became her spiritual director. She worked with de Sales to establish an order of religious sisters who would live and work among the people they served. More than 80 convents were established in Jane’s lifetime.


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