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Does God Have His Testimony in My Postmodern Neighbor's Life?

God is the great evangelist, the one behind all our efforts to bring others to faith in Him. In a world marked by post-modernism, we are faced with the question of whether God does have a voice in the lives of our neighbors. In this talk, Jerram Barrs shares about how God does in fact work and have testimony in the lives of those who may not yet know Him.

This resource is part of a series on Apologetic Evangelism with Postmodern People. Click here to listen to the full series

Jerram Barrs

Jerram Barrs, Professor, is the founder, Senior Scholar-in-Resident and Chair of Apologetics at the Francis Schaeffer Institute at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He teaches apologetics and outreach, among other subjects, as Professor of Christianity and Contemporary Culture at Covenant. His publications include Being Human, Shepherds and Sheep, Who Are the Peacemakers?, The Great Rescue, The Heart of Evangelism, Through His Eyes, Learning Evangelism from Jesus, The Heart of Prayer, and Echoes of Eden, as well as the video series Building Up Bridges, Breaking Down Walls. Upon his return to St. Louis, Barrs helped to plant a PCA church in the city.


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