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One on One

Activities to help nurture faith.

Learn more in our Dawn Treader Magazine

This month, plan a special family outing to enjoy God’s Creation—go to visit a local park or take a trip to a famous natural landmark; if your children are older, try camping out or some other nighttime outing that will give them an opportunity to look at all the stars and try to count them, like Abraham (Genesis 15:5-6). Discuss how the vast grandeur of nature’s beauty points us to God, and why we should want to take care of it. Maybe the outing could include some form of nature conservation service, volunteering to plant trees or clear away litter in a local place in need of such community service. Use this as an opportunity to talk with your children about how all service is meant to be service toward God.

For more fun activities for your family, please visit our Activities Page.

C.S. Lewis Institute

C.S. Lewis Institute, In the legacy of C. S. Lewis, we develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life.


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