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A Strange Gait

I have participated in hundreds of elder meetings. But this one was different. We were restoring Rick, a fallen elder, to fellowship.

I had been encouraged by the way the other elders walked with our brother through a dark season of sin and marital separation. Now we had gathered to celebrate Rick's return to his faith and family. Though it was not yet time to welcome him back into church leadership, we wanted to celebrate a "Yea, God!" moment with him. It was my responsibility to cap our time together by praying for Rick. . .

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John Stumbo

John Stumbo, Author, after spending 25 years as a pastor became the president of The Christian and Missionary Alliance church. John received his BA in Bible and theology from Crown College and his MA in missiology from Columbia (S.C.) International University. He earned a DMin in leadership and the emerging culture from George Fox Evangelical Seminary. John has written four books which include, God in You: A Conversation, In The Midst: Treasures from the Dark, An Honest Look at a Mysterious Journey, and A Stained Beauty.


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