J.M. Njoroge
J.M. Njoroge is an accomplished apologist and writer. He graduated from Talbot School of Theology with a master’s degree in philosophy, a master’s degree in New Testament studies and a ThM. Njoroge earned his PhD in philosophy from the University of Georgia and was the host of the radio program Let My People Think. He is also known for his work on the Ufalme Experience, a ten-session journey through the Lord’s Prayer. Njoroge’s passion is to help clear the fog between the academy and the church by making the case for the credibility of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in both a winsome and persuasive manner.
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Video: Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer
Explore the Lord’s Prayer and learn how you can communicate with God and experience God's...Read More
Apologetics: Why Your Church Needs It
The assumption behind the pun is that the listeners would have a fair understanding of...Read More