Journey Adventure: The Grace of God and True Conversion
Theme: The Grace of God and True Conversion
This study will help you understand the biblical basis of salvation by grace through faith and also the nature of true conversion. This will provide a framework for examining your life and becoming more aware of how God has been at work in you over the years. It will also help you move toward an assurance of salvation, if you lack it. Further, it will give you valuable perspective and insights for evangelizing and discipling others.
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Preparing for the First Meeting
Get ready to start the Journey Adventure. Discover the resources you'll need and your first...Read More
Meeting A: The Grace of God and True Conversion
Prayerfully commit to spending daily, disciplined time with God, reading His Word in the Bible,...Read More
Video: Grace of God and True Conversion
Randy Newman looks at the two most foundational stones in the Christian's life: first, what...Read More
Meeting B: The Grace of God and True Conversion
Giving ourselves wholly to Christ is the only way to discover who we are and...Read More