November 14, 2015 – November 14, 2015

Series: What's Love Got to Do With It

Jesus Christ lived a life of perfect love toward God and others. As his disciples, we are called to follow his example and to make love of God and our neighbor the great goal of our lives. As we do, the Holy Spirit will empower us to become increasingly like Jesus.

In this lecture, Jackson Crum, Lead Pastor of Park Community Church in Chicago, unpacks the length and width and depth of God’s love and discusses ways to distinguish agape love (to which God calls us) from the sensuous and the sentimental ideas of love that permeate American culture. He explains that our goal is to commit ourselves to loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbor as the proper expression of discipleship.

This lecture was presented to the C.S. Lewis Fellows of Chicago at the historic Moody Church in downtown Chicago on November 14, 2015.