Series: Jesus and The World Religions
More and more, Christians are confronted with the claims and practices of other world religions. They are often confused, wondering if the religions have any truth, and if so, how to respond without compromising their own faith and the claims of the gospel. This seminar outlines three major world religions, and gives insight to the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.
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What Should Christians Think about Islam? (Part 1)
Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions in the world. What are their similarities...Read More
What Should Christians Think about Islam? (Part 2)
The majority of Christians view Islam as a false religion because its adherents reject the...Read More
What Should Christians Think about Buddhism?
Prominent early Christians were aware of Buddha and Buddhist stories. But what is Buddhism and...Read More
What Should Christians Think about Hinduism?
Hinduism itself is not a single organized religion with one set of rules. Instead, is...Read More