CSLI Publications
A collection of the various publications that the C.S. Lewis Institute produces on a range of topics regarding discipleship, apologetics and the Christian faith.
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Does the Modern World Face a Crisis of Meaning?
In recent years it seems like politics has invaded every aspect of our daily lives....Read More
The Impact of Technology on the Christian Life
"It’s applied technique. So it’s an art. It’s a science. It is a way of...Read More
C.S. Lewis and the Crisis of the Modern Self
What does it mean to be human? How should we understand ourselves in relation to...Read More
Why Are Christians So Hypocritical?
Oh, the hypocrisy of those Christians—they talk so much about righteousness and like to appear...Read More
How Artists and Their Art Can Point Us to the Creator
"... if you say that you want to know God, or you want to have...Read More
What about Jesus’s Childhood?
The Gospel writers focus on the public ministry chapter of Jesus’s life, His teaching, crucifixion,...Read More
Will You Be Ready?
Tom Tarrants gives insights on how we can be ready for our departure from this...Read More
Should Christians Be Involved with Politics?
In recent years it seems like politics has invaded every aspect of our daily lives....Read More
Isn’t Atheism Based on Scientific Fact Whereas Christianity is Based on “Faith”?
I once led a dialogue at the University of California–Berkeley with two skeptical students about...Read More
A Christian Response to Anti-Semitism
A distinctive panel discussion with Darrel Bock, Randy Newman, and Thomas Tarrants who provide a...Read More