C.S. Lewis Photo Gallery
Enjoy these original photos related to the life of C.S. Lewis taken by James Beavers.
The Oxford Collection

Eagle and Child
The pub in Oxford which for years was the site of meetings of "The Inklings," a groups including C.S. Lewis, Warren (his brother), J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and others. A small picture and description of the Inklings' meeting hangs on the wall inside.

Church Interior
The University Church of St. Mary was the site of Lewis's sermon "The Weight of Glory" delivered on the evening of June 8, 1941 to an overflow crowd.

University Church
The tower and spire of The Oxford University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. The oldest portion of the building is the tower (1280), and the highly ornamented spire (1315-25).
C.S. Lewis Home and Church Collection

The Kilns - Rear View
Located in Headington Quarry just outside Oxford, the Kilns was a three-mile walk to Magdalen College, a trip C.S. Lewis often made. The house was built in 1922 on the site of a former brick kiln which served the area. Two large funnel-shaped kilns were still locate on the property for some time.

The Kilns - Side View
The Kilns was home to C.S. Lewis and his brother from October 11, 1930 until Warren's death in 1973. After the death of their father, Warren and Jack Lewis pooled their money together with Mrs. Janie King Moore, mother of Jack's army friend Paddy and her daughter, to buy the house. Although she contributed a smaller portion of the cost, the lewis brothers allowed the house to be in her name. She and her daughter, Maureen, lived there until Mrs. King's death in 1951. It is now owned and operated by the Kilns Ltd., the English counterpart of the C.S. Lewis Foundation and has been repainted and furnished to more closely resemble its appearance when it was his residence.

Garden View
One of the qualities that Jack and Warren valued most about the Kilns was its, then, isolated location. This afforded the solitude and quiet that both men prized. The house was at times buzy with guests, however, and in 1938, children from London were evacuated there during the bombing of the city.

The Property
The 9-acre property on which the house was built included woods and a small pond. Jack relished strolls through the woods during every season of the year and kept a punt (a small square-ended, flat bottomed boat moved along by poling or "punting") on the pond for his enjoyment.

The roses on the trellis just outside the house in the charming back garden.

Jack's Typewriter
Present in the study of the Kilns is the old manual typewriter used at times by both Jack and Warren Lewis when responding to the copious correspondence written to C.S. Lewis following the publishing of his books, especially from children when The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe came out in America. Usually, C.S. Lewis responded with handwritten notes.

Narnia Window
Near his usual pew is the Narnia Window (dedicated 2 July 1991). The window was paid for by the bequest of worshippers George and Kathleen Howe and designed and made by Sally Scott. The window shows Aslan the Lion and other features from the world of Narnia.

Narnia Window - Close up
A closer view of a portion of the Narnia window.

C.S. Lewis Grave
C.S. Lewis is buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity along with his brother Warren Hamilton Lewis. Mrs. Moore is also buried in the churchyard.

C.S. Lewis Gravemarker - Close Up
The gravestone bears a quotation from Shakespear's King Lear, "Men must endure their going hence." Warren had written, "...there was a Shakespearean calendar hanging on the wall of the room where she [our mother] died, and my father preserved for the rest of his life the leaf of that day, with its quotation: 'Men must endure their going hence'." - W.H. Lewis, "Memoir," in Letters of C.S. Lewis.

Holy Trinity Church
C.S. Lewis - and his brother and Mrs. Moore - attended the local parish, Holy Trinity Church in Headington. He was a member of the congregation for over 30 years, and there is a small plaque marking the pew off the noth aisle where he usually sat. Lewis's home at the Kilns in what is now called Lewis Close is a 15-minute walk from Holy Trinity.
Magdalen College Collection

Magdalen College Tower
C.S. Lewis served as a don (tutor) in English Language and Literature for 29 years at Magdalen College (1929 - 1954). Magdalen was founded in the mid-fifteenth century and is considered by many to be the most beautiful among Oxford's over 30 colleges. The 144 foot tall Magdalen tower is the pictorial symbol of Oxford.

College Chapel
The Magdalen College chapel, built 1474-80, is known for its choral music. The choir appeared in the 1993 film about the marriage of C.S. Lewis to Joy Davidman Gresham, Shadowlands.

Coat of Arms
The Magdalen College coat of arms is derived from that of it's founder, William of Waynflete. It features three lilies, a symbol of Waynflete's association with Eton.

One of the bridges to Magdalen College from Addison's Walk.

New Building
The New Building of Magdalen College. Although built in 1733, it is still called New.

Cloister Window
A view of the Cloister Quadrangle through one of the cloister windows.

Original Cloister
The original cloisters surrounding the Cloister Quadrangle of Magdalen College date to the 15th century.

Deer Park
Deer Park (also called The Grove) has been home to a deer herd for over 300 years.

Addison's Walk
Addison's Walk is a shaded path adjacent to the college which encircles The Medow and is itself completely bordered by water from the branches of the River Cherwell. This almost mile-long path is the site of a September 1931 evening's walk and conversation with J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson which played a significant role in Lewis's coming to faith.

College Gardens
Beautiful delphiniums in the college gardens.