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Summer School in Oxford

Every summer in the first week of July, about one hundred Christians gather at Keble College, Oxford University, for a life-changing educational and spiritual experience.

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The Flight from Reality

It was Woody Allen who quipped: “What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case I definitely overpaid for my carpet.”

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Bearing the Weight of Glory

Lewis perceived evangelism to be his lay vocation, and the means by which he expressed this evangelistic impulse were through his writing and speaking.

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Many people, both believers and nonbelievers, will see the film, and it will be an opportunity to speak to others about the film’s meaning as well as about C.S. Lewis.

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C.S. Lewis on Commitment

Jonathan Edwards, who some call America’s greatest philosopher and theologian, argues in his book The Nature of True Virtue that true virtue is placing a true value on everything.

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