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Faith as a strong belief in the doctrines is also one of the Tools to help you to love and worship God, no matter what life brings you.

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The Side B Stories – Peter Byrom

We hold beliefs for many different reasons.  In today's episode Peter talks highlights the combination of motivations he had for disbelief as well as belief in God.

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The Side B Stories – Jordan Monge

Raised to think critically, Jordan Monge began to question her own atheism at Harvard University when she was intellectually challenged to investigate the grounding of her worldview.

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The Side B Stories – Mike Arnold

In today's episode former atheist Mike Arnold suffered an unspeakable childhood tragedy which suddenly catapulted him into atheism. After twenty years, he was given cause to reconsider not only God's...Read More

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Theologian Theodore

Is Jesus the Only Way?

Belief can mean many different things: it can mean to simply have a vague hope or impression about, to be convinced of reality or to trust in.

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Moments with Your Family

What is Fulfillment?

Jesus tells us that the greatest treasure of all is Himself and the future He has planned for us with Him in Heaven.

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john lennox wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

My parents were quite humble people in educational terms. My father was not allowed to go to university because his father insisted that he run a family business in a...Read More

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