
The Star the Magi Followed

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem. . .”

- Matthew 2:1

Following the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary remained in Bethlehem. Apart from the shepherds who visited this family, two other groups went to find Jesus in Bethlehem, the Magi (wise men) and Herod’s soldiers.

One group traveled a very long distance; the other traveled a very short distance. One group was armed with gifts; the other was armed with swords. One group came to honor the Christ Child and the other came to eliminate Him. Treasure and terror descended upon the village of Bethlehem for a reason.

We know little about the Magi who journeyed from the east to find Jesus. The most compelling evidence suggests that they came from Persia (the land of Queen Esther).

They came to Bethlehem because they believed that the true King of the Jews had been born. A star had appeared that suggested to them that the prophecy of Numbers 24:17 had come to pass: “A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.”

But Herod the Great and his soldiers had a very different reason for visiting Bethlehem. Herod had ruthlessly defended his kingship against all threats, even killing his own sons and wives when he felt they were conspiring to remove him from the throne.

When Herod learned from the Magi that his rival may be a child living in Bethlehem, Herod dispatched his soldiers to kill every male less than two years of age in the village.

God had a different plan in mind, however, as Jesus and His family fled to Egypt using the gifts of the Magi as their provision for the next two years.


Lord, may we pursue the Star, Jesus Christ, as wholeheartedly as did the
Magi. And may our gifts be used to further Your kingdom and
overcome evil. Amen.


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Jim C. Martin

James C. Martin, (MDiv and DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) founded Bible World Seminars in 1989, author of A Visual Guide to Bible Events, and experienced biblical study travel leader for over 25 years. He currently offers biblical study travel programs on location in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Greece. Over the past twenty-five years, Martin and his wife, Stacey, have been involved in aerial, land, and museum photography and video filming throughout the Middle East and Europe. Their photos appear in works such as the NIV Archaeological Study Bible, Halley's Bible Handbook, and A Visual Guide to Bible Events, among others.

COPYRIGHT: This is a publication of the C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Unless otherwise noted all material is copyright of the C.S. Lewis Institute or in the public domain.

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