Robert Charles Sproul, (1939 – 2017), Reformed theologian and ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America was the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries. He obtained degrees from Westminster College, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary (M.Div), the Free University of Amsterdam (Drs.), and Whitefield Theological Seminary (PhD). One of Sproul’s mentors was John Gerstner, a professor of his at Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary. Sproul, along with another of Gerstner’s students, Arthur Lindsley, co-authored the book Classical Apologetics in 1984. Sproul’s best-known books are The Holiness of God, Essential Truths of the Christian Faith, and What Is Reformed Theology? He also served as the general editor of the Reformation Study Bible and was executive editor of Tabletalk magazine.