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From Retirement to Renewal

The CS Lewis Fellows Programme crept up on me slowly, as previous Fellows talked to me about their experiences, reading, listening and studying truths about God in an in-depth and systematic manner. So, I “signed up” in May 2021. With retirement impending, CSLI enabled me to have a focused and disciplined, discipleship programme established in my life by the start of retirement in September. It has been a wonderful learning experience, using my heart and mind to know more of God, and His amazing works, and to spend time knowing how to have meaningful and fruitful conversations with non-believers.

I have been blessed through reading and listening to some very gifted writers and speakers. My favourite was Thomas A, Tarrants 111, and my favourite month was January when the subject was “Living a Life of Love and Obedience”. In January I started to read systematically through the “Bible in a Year”. Reading from the Old Testament books each morning has been a blessing and seeing God’s hand in leading His people over hundreds of years through times of both obedience and disobedience is both humbling and instructive. CSLI has also challenged me to have non-Christian friends and acquaintances, apart from those I worked with in the past. I’ve consequently joined 2 clubs and have started to make new friends. One of them has asked me to help her with a social club, something I would not have considered in the past. I’ve also reconnected with a non-Christian friend from childhood by joining one of the clubs. Thank-you.

Ken Sharp

Ken Sharp participated in the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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