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From Pea Brain to Heart Knowledge

I have been encouraged, challenged and strengthened in my walk with the Lord through the CSLI Belfast Fellow's program. It has been an amazing (and busy!) year with a wide variety of articles, books and videos; many of which would not have crossed my path had it not been for the program. This has helped broaden my understanding of the Christian faith, ingrained intrigue and challenged my humility in accepting, I really am a pea brain (to use a phrase from Jerry Root). The writings of ML Jones, Tozer and CS Lewis have really stood out to me and helped translate head knowledge to heart knowledge. And the friendship and fellowship with the Fellows, Mentors and Lecturers has been invaluable. I am very grateful to all involved, especially Stuart our Director, and would absolutely recommend the CSLI Belfast Fellow's program to anyone wanting to know their Almighty Creator on a deeper level. Thank you.

Ken Sharp

Ken Sharp participated in the C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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