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How to read the parables of the kingdom

By Clinton E. Arnold

The Jews living at the time of Jesus longed for the coming of the kingdom of God. They were looking for a descendant of King David who would sit on the throne in Jerusalem and reestablish Israel as a self-ruling nation. He would come as a mighty warrior and purify their sacred land from gentile contamination.

This military ruler is what the crowds had in mind when they “intended to come and make [Jesus] king by force” (John 6:15). This is also what the throngs yearned for when they laid down palm branches for Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem. They exclaimed, “Give victory, O Lord!” (expressed by the Aramaic word Hosanna) . . .

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Clinton E. Arnold

Clinton E. Arnold is a New Testament theologian and author with a special interest in the historical and cultural setting of the letters of Paul and the Book of Acts. He is the former Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, and he presently serves on the translation oversight committee for the English Standard Version (ESV). Arnold received his M.Div. from Talbot Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in New Testament Exegesis from the University of Aberdeen. He is the editor of the four-volume Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary for which he wrote commentaries on “Acts," "Ephesians” and “Colossians,” and most recently he completed the commentary on Colossians for the World Biblical Commentary series.


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