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Is the Bible Reliable?

By Bob and Gretchen Passantino

Doubts about the Bible include how it is translated, what the writers meant, how the text was preserved, how books were included or excluded, and its truthfulness. Each of these topics is complex, but there is ample evidence to affirm the Bible’s complete reliability.

Bible Translations

Reputable Bible translations are produced by careful scholarship in textual criticism, linguistics, translation, grammar, vocabulary, style, and history. Various texts of the original language Testaments (Hebrew and Aramaic of the Old Testament and Greek of the New Testament) are published and generally available, along with documented accounts of how the texts were derived from existing copies over time . . .

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Bob Passantino

Bob Passantino (1951 – 2003), was a Christian author and journalist who wrote on subjects related to Christian apologetics, philosophy, and the Christian countercult movement. He and his wife Gretchen (1953 – 2014) ministered together for close to thirty years. Through their Answers in Action ministry, they equipped Christians to share and defend their faith and helped countless seekers find faith. Bob and Gretchen were frequent guests on radio discussions on secular and Christian stations around the country. They have authored several books, including Answers to the Cultist at Your Door which earned a Gold Medallion Award for Excellence in Christian Education.


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