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Dave's Top 10 Bible Reference Tools

A guide to establishing a Bible reference library
By David W. Henderson

Do you ever find yourself looking at the mounds of massive reference books at your local Christian bookstore and thinking that maybe something along the lines of Life’s Little Instruction Book is more your speed?

As soon as you hear the words “reference works,” does your face twist into a grimace, and captivating titles like these begin to scroll across your mind? . . .

Click here to read the full article (READ PDF).


David Henderson

David Henderson, serves as senior pastor of Covenant Church, part of the EPC denomination. Before attending Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he received both his Masters of Divinity and his Doctor of Ministry degrees, David studied marketing and management at Miami University and then worked in Brand Management with Procter and Gamble. An atheist until his twenties, he became a follower of Christ during his senior year in college. David’s books include Tranquility: Cultivating a Quiet Soul in a Busy World and coauthored with Haddon Robinson Culture Shift: Communicating God's Truth to Our Changing World.


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