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Family History Analysis - Long Form

Instructions: You are under no obligation to complete this longer version of the Family History Analysis; it is entirely optional. However, if you would like to explore more deeply the impact of family experiences on your life, including your spiritual life, the following questions can help you become aware of possible problem areas. Complex and deep emotional issues related to family of origin are not uncommon. If you become aware of such problems and you would like to work on them, we will be glad to recommend a professional counselor, who is also a spiritually mature, biblically sound believer.

NOTE: If you have experienced any kind of abuse or trauma for which you have not sought counseling, exploring these questions may bring to mind painful experiences and emotions. If you fi nd yourself becoming emotionally upset as you work through these questions, we recommend that you put this questionnaire aside and ask advice from your mentor as to whether you should speak to a professional counselor. . .

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C.S. Lewis Institute

C.S. Lewis Institute, In the legacy of C. S. Lewis, we develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life.


COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.

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