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Guidelines For Preparing A Spiritual Autobiography

I. What is the goal of your spiritual life? Please explain why you have chosen this goal and how it is shaping your life. (Approximately one paragraph).

II. Prevenient Grace (God's grace from conception to conversion). Please describe how God’s grace was evidenced in your life prior to conversion. If you were baptized as an infant, please include a description of this and the meaning of this event for your journey. Include also any nurture you received in your family, church, or community and any role models that made you hungry for God, also include any tugs on your heart by God and other experiences that drew you Godward. (Approximately two pages). . .

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Arthur Dicken Thomas

Arthur Dicken Thomas is Adjunct Professor of Spirituality and Church History at Wesley Theological Seminary, researcher and writer at Union Presbyterian Seminary Library, Richmond, VA and retired Professor of Christian Spirituality at the Ecumenical Institute of Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore in 2017. Art received his B.A. from the College of William and Mary, M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, M.A. from Wesley Theological Seminary, Th.M. and Ph.D. in church history from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. His publications include The Second Great Awakening in Virginia and Slavery Reform, Early Churches of Culpeper County, Virginia and about forty-five articles.


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