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Authority of the Bible - Part 7

Jesus quoted the Scriptures of His day, what we now call the Old Testament, as if they were the true, inspired, and authoritative Word of God. And until the past couple of centuries, most people in the West accepted the authority of the Bible over life and faith. However, in recent times, the Bible has come under attack from both outside and inside the church. This question of the authority of the Bible plays a key role in shaping the way in which we live our lives as disciples of Jesus. If the Bible is just like any other piece of literature with a few good lines, it has no authority over us and is of little importance. On the other hand, if it really is God’s revealed word to us, and we are expected to obey its teaching, the conclusion must be that the Bible is of the utmost importance. We must take it seriously and it should impact every area of life. For that reason, this study hopes to give you a hunger for more of God’s Word as it is found in the inspired, authoritative Bible.

This resource is part of a series on Heart & Mind Discipleship. Click here to listen to the full series

Arthur W. Lindsley

Arthur W. Lindsley is the Vice President of Theological Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Works, & Economics. He has served at the C.S. Lewis Institute since 1987 both as President until 1998 and currently as Senior Fellows for Apologetics. Formerly, he was director of Educational Ministries at the Ligonier Valley Study Center, and Staff Specialist with the Coalition for Christian Outreach. He is the author of C.S. Lewis's Case for Christ, True Truth, Love: The Ultimate Apologetic, and co-author with R.C. Sproul and John Gerstner of Classical Apologetics, and has written numerous articles on theology, apologetics, C.S. Lewis, and the lives and works of many other authors and teachers. Art earned his M.Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Pittsburgh.


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