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The Neglected Exercise

In the early 1970s, I accompanied a small tour group into a country that was difficult to enter. In one city of about 500,000, we found only one church left open by the authorities. All over the city we could distinguish former church buildings turned into museums, warehouses, offices, or military barracks.

In that solitary open church we joined about fifteen bystanders, including several youth, watching a stand-up worship service. The worshipers numbered ten elderly women, one elderly blind man, and a handful of children. A priest wafted incense and recited some incantations. Then he brought out a huge, bejeweled Bible, carefully unlocked it, and read a portion from the Old Testament and another from the New. He then locked the Bible and, to our astonishment, one by one the eleven elderly worshipers came by and reverently kissed the ancient Holy Book. . .

Click here to read the full article (READ PDF).


Robert Boardman

Robert Boardman, US Marine and Author, served in World War II as a US Marine in the First Marine Division. He engaged in three major campaigns in the Pacific, receiving two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. He then served for thirty-three years with the Navigators ministry in Japan followed by a two-year assignment in Australia and helped pioneer Navigator ministries in Korea and Mongolia. In their later years, he and his wife traveled teaching and encouraging Navigators across Asia. Ever devoted to the U.S. Marines, Bob served as chaplain to four different Marine Corps veterans’ groups. He wrote regularly for the NavPress publication, Discipleship Journal, and published three books: Unforgettable Men in Unforgettable Times, C-Rations for the Warrior’s Heart and Higher Honor.


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