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 It’s What We’re Striving For That Makes The Difference

I teach a course in interpersonal communication at a local university. The first thing I have each student do is put together a collage from magazine cuttings that portrays his or her self-concept to the class.

Almost without exception, students’ posters are filled with images of material success and glamorous lifestyles. I’m guessing that what I see in my classroom is a reflection of what my students see and hear at home.

This isn’t surprising. The thrust of our consumer culture is toward having and consuming more and more things. People in our society want more for their children. They want more for themselves. They are ambitious...

Click here to read the full article (READ PDF).


Jerry Harvill

Jerry Harvill, Professor, was a minister for the Churches of Christ for twenty-three years. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Communications and Journalism at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, where he subsequently taught. He has published articles for Spiritual Life magazine.


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