0 All Booked 0.00 All Booked 0.00 All Booked 24356 GLOBAL EVENT: CSLI Annual Fundraiser – Surprised by Joy with Steve King – 7:30 PM ET https://www.cslewisinstitute.org/?event=local-event-csli-annual-fundraiser-surprised-by-joy&event_date=2025-03-28&reg=1 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 2025-03-28

GLOBAL EVENT: CSLI Annual Fundraiser – Surprised by Joy with Steve King – 7:30 PM ET

2025-03-28 19:30 2025-03-28 21:00 America/New_York GLOBAL EVENT: CSLI Annual Fundraiser – Surprised by Joy with Steve King – 7:30 PM ET

This annual spring fundraiser provides an opportunity to learn about all that God is doing through this international ministry and support it with your prayers and finances.

McLean Presbyterian Church, FELLOWSHIP HALL, 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean, VA, USA [email protected]

CSLI Annual Spring Fundraiser
Life in the Adventure of Joining God in His Work
with Pastor Steve King

Do you find it challenging to share your faith in Jesus in a world often antagonistic to the Gospel?

Do you feel like the difficulties of life have kept you from being an effective follower of Christ?

Join us for an inspiring evening with Pastor Steve King as he shares his vibrant approach to living out our faith, even when life gets tough! Drawing from his own incredible journey, he’ll share uplifting stories that showcase how God works through everyday people. Discover the joy of inviting others to follow Jesus and get ready to be amazed as you embark on this exciting adventure with Him!

If you are a CSLI Fellow, invite and bring your friends, whether they are seekers or believers, to hear how they can join God’s team and experience a fulfilled life.

The C.S. Lewis Institute is committed to intentionally discipling men and women so that they can get off the bench and become multiplying disciple-makers for Jesus Christ.

This annual fundraising event provides an opportunity to learn about all that God is doing through this international ministry and support it through your prayers and financial support.

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025


  • In-person guests - doors open: 7:00 pm ET
  • Hors D'oeuvres and Beverages (Fellowship Time):  7:00 - 7:40 pm ET
  • Livestream guests login: 7:30pm ET
  • Special Program: 7:45 - 9:00 pm ET


  • In-person: McLean Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall | 1020 Balls Hill Rd, McLean, VA 22101
  • Livestream: Zoom Webinar

There is no charge for this event as a generous group of donors has covered the expenses for the evening so that 100% of gifts received will go to the ministry. We ask that you please register so we can be prepared to serve you.

If you are unable to join us and wish to support this ministry through your financial gift, please DONATE HERE.

Steve King

Steve King served as the Senior Pastor at Cherrydale Baptist Church in Arlington, VA from 1983 to 2019, and Senior Pastor Emeritus from 2019-2022. Steve has a passion to make disciples who love God and people above all else. He hosted Renewing Hope on WAVA 105.1 FM for 26 years, led the Band of Shepherds pastors’ fellowship for 30 years, served on the board of Pioneers International for 26 years, was on the leadership team of One Heart DC and is lecturer and writer for the C.S. Lewis Institute. He is the author of Beware the Slow Leaks – eight ways ministry leaders can thrive and finish strong (Salem Books). Steve holds degrees from the University of Georgia (BBA) and Western Seminary (MDiv).


The Schedule

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm In-Person Guests - Doors Open / Fellowship Time
7:30 pm - 7:45 pm Livestream Guests Login
7:45 pm - 9:00 pm Special Program