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Fellows Program – Now Accepting Applications!

Register 2025-04-15 00:55 2025-04-15 00:55 America/New_York Fellows Program – Now Accepting Applications!

Howard Hendricks, Late Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, once wrote “When a person makes a confession of faith and is never taken through a formal discipleship process, there is little hope of seeing genuine spiritual transformation.” The C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program is designed to give you a foundation for ongoing spiritual growth. We hear a lot about discipleship in Christian circles. We know it’s important and something we need to be doing, but what exactly is it? A disciple in Jesus’ day was a follower, someone who was committed to spending time with a respected religious leader. A disciple went where his master went, fully engaged with his teaching, and did what he said to do. The goal was becoming like him by submitting to him. According to this definition are you a true disciple of Jesus Christ? When you look at your daily life, how would you rate yourself? How satisfied are you? C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity, “Every Christian is to become a little Christ. The whole purpose of becoming a Christian is simply nothing else.” If this is your goal, please consider the C.S. Lewis Fellows Program, a full year set apart for life-changing learning through reading, listening, discussing, writing, and reflecting in small group community. Now Accepting Applications Throughout Our 25+ Locations LEARN MORE

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Howard Hendricks, Late Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, once wrote “When a person makes a confession of faith and is never taken through a formal discipleship process, there is little hope of seeing genuine spiritual transformation.”

The C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program is designed to give you a foundation for ongoing spiritual growth.

We hear a lot about discipleship in Christian circles. We know it’s important and something we need to be doing, but what exactly is it?

A disciple in Jesus’ day was a follower, someone who was committed to spending time with a respected religious leader. A disciple went where his master went, fully engaged with his teaching, and did what he said to do. The goal was becoming like him by submitting to him. According to this definition are you a true disciple of Jesus Christ? When you look at your daily life, how would you rate yourself? How satisfied are you?

C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity, “Every Christian is to become a little Christ. The whole purpose of becoming a Christian is simply nothing else.”

If this is your goal, please consider the C.S. Lewis Fellows Program, a full year set apart for life-changing learning through reading, listening, discussing, writing, and reflecting in small group community.

Now Accepting Applications Throughout Our 25+ Locations